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Routine schedule changes and cancellations made easy. Process workflows, notify your passengers, and record their actions in real time as things change.

When you have a lot of schedule changes or cancellations to manage, our Disruption solution helps quickly identify those we need to be notified so you can send personalised communications to your passengers, with self-service options to get their journey running as expected again.

Communicating effectively with passengers is essential to managing frustration and chaos when schedule changes upset their plans. Our technology platform integrates directly with your reservation system to ensure your staff are in control of the situation, allowing them to keep your customers informed and empowered.

Using pre-approved notification templates, you can inform travellers about schedule changes, cancellations or ad hoc disruption quickly and easily. The customer can then choose how they wish to proceed. These actions are automatically fed back into your reservation system, with full PNR handling, including real-time flight itinerary updates and remark addition so your staff can see exactly what is going on and focus their time on contacting those that require human interaction.

If you’re looking for a solution to gain control of unplanned disruption, take a look at our IROPS Dashboard, which allows airlines to consolidate systems and manage all IROPS confidently in one place.


Book a demo with one of our experts to find out more

When to use this solution

When a booking is changed or updated. Whether you're making large schedule changes or re-protecting one customer, or everything else in between.

Key features of our Disruption solution

Super intelligent but beautifully simple, our Disruption solution has too many features to list in one place! We’ve included our key features below, but to find out more about what this solution can do for you, book a demo and let our team talk you through it.

  • Integrates directly with your reservation system in real-time. This includes the top reservation systems, including Amadeus, Sabre, Navitaire and other systems including frequent flyer, loyalty and CRMs.
  • Informs travellers about schedule changes or ad hoc disruption quickly and easily.
  • 15below-hosted microsites handle acceptances, declines, refunds, and credits in a two-way conversation between the customer and the reservation system.
  • Intelligent but easy to use, our user interface provides a clear view of all passenger notifications sent and reports on whether passengers have engaged with them. These reports are available for up to seven years.
  • Notifications may be configured to only send during “friendly hours” to ensure that customers are not disturbed in the middle of the night unless they absolutely must be.
  • At 15below, we have been handling travel disruption for more than 20 years. Our consultative approach to setup means we implement this solution in a way that it is relevant to your business. 

Pair Disruption with Queue Manager

Many 15below customers who use our Disruption solution also use our Queue Manager solution. Paired together, they allow you to: 

  • Schedule personalised notifications and reminders, delivered to your customers at the appropriate time.
  • Implement flexible schedule change and cancellation workflows handled with business rules.
  • Identify the passengers you need to notify, with filters that you can use to personalise the experience.
  • Add personalisation and context to what is being sent.
  • Manage and send reminder notifications to passengers that haven’t responded. 
How 15below handles airline disruption

Benefits of our Disruption solution

  • Provide a single view of your disruption management, by consolidating systems, meaning that anyone within your business gets the same view in real-time. 
  • Deliver great service by quickly identifying and communicating with your passengers to improve their experience and build trust and loyalty
  • Our white label solution allows you to send branded messages using templates that are easily configured with your branding and messaging that is in the customer’s preferred language. 
  • Reduce inbound calls and avoid call centre throttling by proactively giving customers the information they need before they have to go looking for it, with reminders to follow-up if they haven’t interacted. 
  • Reduce human error with the accuracy of automation. Our system does the same tasks, in the same way, every time! 
  • Automatically treat each customer as an individual without the need for human interaction. 
  • Reduce IT maintenance overheads with a solution that is fully hosted and maintained by 15below, including 24/7 support.
Benefits of 15below disruption solution

How to meet passenger expectations during travel disruption

Travel disruption is inevitable, but airlines can increase customer loyalty by responding effectively. Read our recent White Paper to see the solutions and technology leading airlines use to keep passengers informed and empowered during disruption.

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Complete this short form to tell us a bit about your company. A member of our team will contact you to arrange a chat so that you can see how Disruption can work for you.